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5 Things You Should NOT Do To Your Ears

Keeping your ears in a good condition is critical to maintain your quality of life. It can be difficult to communicate or carry out tasks if your hearing is compromised. 

Cebu Hearing Solutions is here to guide you on what you should NOT do with your ears.  

Use Cotton Buds

Your eardrums are very delicate and using cotton buds to clean them can potentially puncture them. You also risk pressing your earwax in and compressing it, making it difficult for it to naturally fall off on its own.

Use an Ear Candle

Ear candles are believed to create a type of suction that draws wax and other impurities out of the ear. However, it has been proven that ear candles do nothing to help clean your ears. At most, it can contribute to wax blockage and potentially rupture your eardrum. 

You also risk scalding your skin in the process.

Overclean them

The ear is self-cleaning. Your earwax naturally falls the more your jaw moves. 

The earwax also plays an important role in your ear canal. Earwax protects the delicate ear canal lining, keeps it clean, and helps to fight bacteria. Getting rid of your earwax can only lead to Swimmer’s ear and complications in the future. 

Share Earphones 

It has been reported that frequent use of earphones can lead to an increase in bacteria in the ears, according to a study published in the Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences. 

Sharing those earphones will not only compromise your safety, but the other person’s as well. You may not see it, but your earphones are ridden with sticky earwax and infectious bacteria. 

Overall, sharing your earphones is not a very hygienic practice. 

Not protecting your ears from loud sounds

Areas that are known to emit loud noises such as construction areas or clubs can potentially rupture your eardrum

Any noise that goes above 80 decibels can damage your ears. Though not enough to cause immediate hearing loss, the damage can accumulate and eventually make you lose your hearing. 

Consult a Doctor

Your ear health is just as important as the health of the other parts of the body. It’s important that you have regular checkups with a trusted doctor to prevent any ear condition. 

Hearing Solutions provides the quality care and service you need to keep your ears healthy. 

In addition, we offer the following services:

  • Pure tone audiometry
  • Play audiometry
  • Tympanometry
  • Newborn hearing screening
  • Hearing aid fitting and consultation

You can visit Hearing Solutions, located in Century Plaza Complex, Juana Osmeña St, Cebu City. You can also visit our Consolacion branch for service. It can be found in the CPG Arcade, on North Road, in Consolacion.

To book an appointment, you can call us at 0932 788 1168 or message us on Facebook.

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