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4 Key Tips for a Healthy Ear

Ear care is important for everyone. It is necessary to clean and inspect ears regularly to keep them healthy and functioning properly. 

This helps people communicate better, participate in activities, and live a life full of meaning.

There are a number of simple but highly effective ways of caring for your ears. To name a few:

1. Keep calm and avoid stress

Anxiety and stress can put pressure on your nerves, blood flow, and body heat. Tinnitus, or the loud ringing in your ear, can be caused by all of these factors. 

As a result, you may have difficulty hearing, lack of concentration, difficulty sleeping, and possibly hearing loss. Take frequent breaks from strenuous activities, change your routine, and avoid environments that are too loud. This helps prevent you from having an episode. 

2. Turn down the volume

The World Health Organization estimates that 1.1 billion people worldwide suffer from hearing loss as a result of unsafe music volumes.

When listening to music, turn down the volume if it is too loud. Make the 60/60 rule your guide: listen with the volume at no more than 60% for no more than 60 minutes per day. You should pay particular attention to this if you listen with speakers, headphones, or earbuds.

Due to the proximity of their drivers to your eardrums, earbuds may be the most dangerous type of headphones. In such close proximity, your hearing health is easily compromised.

The risk isn’t exclusive to headphones. In a social setting, try to avoid staying near the speakers. Not only does it cost you your hearing, but it can trigger palpitations as well.

3. Avoid using cotton buds

Cotton swabs are commonly used for cleaning ears, but many people are not aware of how harmful this product is for your ears. 

A cotton swab inserted into the ear canal and twisted around can lead to ear problems such as impaction. Some ear wax can be removed with a cotton swab, but it leads to obstructions in the canals, hearing loss, and infection.

It’s normal for your ears to produce wax. They help protect your sensitive ear canals from any damage. 

Our ears are self-cleaning. They naturally fall off your ear via the movement of your jaw. A damp washcloth is all it takes to remove fallen ear wax from the inner ear to the outer ear.

Alternatively, you can wash your outer ear with water and soap. Ensure that nothing gets into your ear canal.

Pat your ears dry afterwards. Excess moisture in the ear canal can lead to bacterial buildup and compromise your hearing.

4. Have regular hearing tests

Like all other parts of your health, you should have your hearing checked regularly. Losing your hearing can make it difficult for you to carry a normal conversation. It is important to have regular hearing tests so you can detect any problems with your ears. Hearing tests are the best way to understand your hearing health and keep your ears healthy, whether you need extra support from your current hearing aids or  brand new hearing aids. You can visit our clinic to properly assess whether you need to look at other options to enhance your hearing.  Our clinic is located in Century Plaza Complex, Juana Osmeña St, Cebu City. Our Consolacion branch is also open to serve you. You can find it in CPG Arcade, North Road, Consolacion.  To book an appointment, you can call us at 0932 788 1168 or message us on Facebook.
